Ziv Ziv Diary

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Attending School - Apple Tree

Mummy registered me at Apple Tree and my first day of school is at 2nd Jan. Mummy bring me to school and was suprised that I really enjoy and didn't cry at all. Mummy took some pictures and see how I enjoy.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

KL Trip

Daddy and Mummy bring me to KL on the 29 Dec. Mummy wake up very early to prepared my porridge and thinking of waking me up for my milk before departure. But once I heard the noise that Mummy wake up I wake up too. So after all the preparation we set off around 7+ from home but after buying breakfast etc etc we set off to KL at around 8+. We will very lucky that the it did not have a long jam that day at the Tuas Custom and the traffic was quite smooth. Uncle Stephen loan Mummy his GPS but we still get lost a bit when we reach KL and caught in the jam at the Bukit Bintan. Mummy said I was well behave for the whole journey. We manage to reach our hotel at around 3+ and we were really tired with all the driving. Aunty Bee come and pick us at around 6+ and we have a very very delicious dinner at this restaurant Uncle William recommended.

The next day Mummy go Sungei Wang to shop for a while and manage to get a cheap shoe and she is very happy. She bring me to swim after my lunch and I was really tired after that and sleep at the stroller when they pushing me out for their lunch. Aunty Bee bring Kor Kor Logan to come and swim at the hotel and Daddy also bring me to swim again I was so happy. After the swim Kor Kor Logan was tired so they went home and I farewell to them as we will not be meeting the next day. Daddy and Mummy bring me to the Chinatown at night and we reach hotel at around 10+ near to 11.

The next day after some short shopping at Sungei Wang again we check out and proceed home. I sleep half of the journey and behave myself the other half. And so lucky there was no jam at all at the Custom and we manage to reach home at around 7pm+. I enjoy my trip although is quite short. See below for my pictures.